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We are two weeks into "the terrible twos" and some days are better then others. We actually have more good days than bad but the bad days sure are rough!!! Everybody has been healthy (knock on wood) with the exception of a few little colds here and there. Izaac and Zoe have a vocabulary that grows more and more everyday. I need to start writing down everything they say, sometimes it's just too funny. The other day I asked the kids if they wanted to help me change the sheets on the beds, Izaac looked at me and said "Change the sheeps?". Now who wouldn't laugh at that?! Cameron has a few words but he's pretty quiet for the most part. I think he has his brother and sister there to talk for him.
Zoe is defiantly the queen of tantrums. She knows how to cry and throw herself on the floor and roll around. Rhett & I think its funny to watch her and that just makes her even more angry.
They are all very energetic and active. We are doing gymnastics once a week (thanks to Papa and Great Grandma & Grandpa Peterson). It's really not gymnastics, the kids mostly just run around and do their own thing for 45 minutes. The coach tries to do "organized" activities but how many 2 year olds do you know listen to directions? Zoe has really taken to it and likes to come home and show Daddy what she did at "nagits". Mommy can't wait for summer to get here so we can start spending more time outside. I used to not mind winter, that was before I was in the house 24/7 with three toddlers!!!
KISSES!!!!Have a great week!